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Vancouver, Canada - April 17, 2023 / All Things Fitness & Wellness (ATFW) /

Fitness Podcast Highlights 2 Federal Initiatives That Need Your Support

The fitness industry is making a big push to pivot the National Health Crisis both in Canada and the United States with Government Legislation. And you can be a part of this movement too! 

Fitness Podcast - All Things Fitness and Wellness, is actively helping you stay involved and informed. 

Almost 500 million people will develop non-communicable diseases attributed to inactivity between 2020 & 2030. This will cost the health systems a staggering 27 Billion a year raising it to $300 Billion by 2030 according to the World Health Organization Global Status Report October 2022.


U.S. Initiative - PHIT Act of 23'  

In this episode of the ATFW Fitness Podcast they sit down with Mike Goscinski, VP of Government Affairs at IHRSA, to discuss The H.R.1582 - PHIT Act of 2023, which was Introduced in House (03/14/23). This bill was introduced with 6 Co-Sponsors and 11 Senators on board, giving it a really good chance of gaining momentum. He Dives into the health and financial benefits of this bill which give people the ability to use:  

  • HSA Accounts- Health Saving Accounts 

  • FSA Accounts - Flexible Spending Accounts

For gym memberships and other physical activity expenses, to even include youth sports leagues and equipment.  

But don't worry, this isn't just a dry conversation about politics. Mike shares some valuable insights on what health club owners and operators can do to support the act, as well as how fitness enthusiasts can lend their voice to the cause. 


IHRSA has made it easy for anyone to get involved, providing tools for members and non-members to quickly reach out to your members of Congress, as well as their grass root efforts and the plan to help get this bill passed.  

This Bill is at a huge advantage, most Bills introduced are a drain on the Federal Budget. This is one of the few that Save the US Tax Payers in the long run. IHRSA estimates that every dollar invested in preventative health care is three dollars saved at the national level. 

IHRSA has a Political Action Committee which is highly involved in the Washington DC arena helping push this and many more initiatives. Look everyone knows the benefits both physical and mental of physical activity. So how can you get involved?   

IHRSA has made it easy for anyone to get involved, providing tools for members and non-members to quickly reach out to your members of Congress, as well as their grass root efforts and the plan to help get this bill passed. 

Also, check out this website for more ways to get involved www.passphit.org

Canadian Initiative - Tax Line 33099

Krissy has a special guest on the podcast - Sara Hodson, President of The Fitness Industry Council (FIC) of Canada. They are on a mission to revise tax line 33099 and make fitness memberships an eligible medical expense.  

Sara Hodson with FIC of Canada

Hodson stresses the importance of a unified voice to get this change included in the budget. In other words, they want to make it easier for people to afford fitness and prioritize their health! 

Statistics found in the IHRSA Global Report 2022, estimate for every $2,000 spent, the Canadian Government would see a positive ROI in the first year and a total ROI of $13,000 in 10 years.  

This is a great initiative and something that could impact many people's lives and save Canada a tremendous amount of money and resources.  

Let's help FIC and its efforts by spreading the word and reaching out to your representatives in Ottawa. 

So, whether you're a gym owner, fitness enthusiast, or just someone interested in the industry, this episode is a must-listen.  

Tune in and get ready to be inspired to act! 

All Things Fitness and Wellness

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All Things Fitness & Wellness (ATFW)

Vancouver, BC

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All Things Fitness & Wellness (ATFW)

Vancouver, BC, Canada


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